Dallas Climate Leadership Workshop RSVP
February 28, 2019 (8:30am - 5:00pm)
Hosted at Mt. View College
About the Training Program:
DFW Regional Organizations
Already Confirmed to Participate
Cedar Valley College
City of Arlington
City of Carrollton
City of Coppell
City of Corinth
City of Dallas
City of Denton
City of Fort Worth
City of Garland
City of Lewisville
City of Mesquite
City of Plano
City of Richardson
Dallas County Comm. College District
Dallas Water Utilities
North Central TX Council of Governments
North Texas Municipal Water District
Tarrant Regional Water District
Trinity River Authority of Texas
UT Arlington
Local governments in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex are looking to institutionalize climate change into decision-making across a broad range of planning, policy and operations activities, and to galvanize support across their organizations and key stakeholder communities. Doing so requires addressing building awareness and competencies by developing a long-term, sustainable training strategy.
The City of Dallas is inviting senior staff and officials from DFW Metroplex local governments to participate in a one-day training program designed to build a foundational understanding of the risks and opportunities that climate change poses for the region and the role of local government in response.
Draft Agenda:
8:30am Welcome & Introductions
9:00am Climate Change Fundamentals and Impacts on Local Governments and Communities
10:00am The Present & Future of Energy, Water, Food & Waste in the Dallas Metroplex & Texas
10:30am Break
10:45am Basics of Public Health, Climate Change and Sensible Preparedness
11:15am Assessing Change and Leveraging Tools to Inform Decision-Making
12:00pm Networking Lunch with Special Guest Remarks
1:00pm Group Exercise: Conducting a Change or Vulnerability Assessment
1:45pm The Landscape of Ethics, Liability, Risk & Economics
2:15pm Understanding Sustainability & Climate Change Goals in the DFW Metroplex
2:45pm Break
3:00pm Conceptualizing Organizational Transformation & Stakeholder Engagement & Working
Across Organizational Boundaries
3:30pm Group Exercise: DFW Fishbowl Charrette
4:00pm Enterprise Risk Management, Materiality & Prioritizing Initiatives
4:30pm Group Exercise: Develop & Defend a Stance on a Priority Initiative