
CC-P® Candidate Program Enrollment is Open … Start Your Journey to Becoming a CC-P® Today!

Check out the upcoming Live Online CC-P® Prep Program schedule and note sessions designated for the CC-P® Candidate program.


Launch or Transform Your Career with the CC-P® Candidate Program

Earning recognition as a CC-P® Candidate shows to potential employers that you have the fundamental knowledge and competencies to support climate preparedness and action initiatives.

The CC-P® Candidate is the perfect stepping stone to becoming a future Certified Climate Change Professional® (CC-P®). This program is designed for:

  • Professionals transitioning to a career in climate change who do not currently satisfy the experience requirements of the CC-P®; and

  • Young professionals and students about to graduate looking to get a climate change position or job.

Why Enroll in the CC-P® Candidate Program


CC-P® Candidate Program Fees
(updated February 2023)

This program is designed to spread the up-front costs of getting the CC-P Certification across the lifecycle of the program.

How the CC-P® Candidate Works

Phase 1:
Entering the CC-P® Candidate Program

To enter the program, Candidates will conduct the following activities.

  1. Enroll
    Fill out the online form, sign and submit the Code of Ethics and Professional Standards of Conduct and pay the enrollment fee (includes a 6-month membership term in ACCO).

  2. Study & Exam
    Use the recorded videos and study materials or attend the live online training program to prepare for and pass the CC-P Candidate® Entrance Exam

  3. Admission
    ACCO will automatically review enrollment package upon completion of the exam and send an admission letter.

Phase 2:
Maintaining Good Status as a CC-P® Candidate

Maintenance requirements apply on an annual basis with deadlines on the anniversary of the date of entry into the program.

  • Continuing education (12 hours)
    Continue your professional development with climate-related training programs offered by ACCO or third-party providers.

  • ACCO community service (12 hours)
    Volunteer to support ACCO initiatives by actively participating in working groups, organizing events, etc.

  • Usage (16 hours)
    Leverage your skills to conduct research, write/publish reports or commentary, participate in local climate initiatives and/or other areas that advance climate action.

  • Membership in ACCO
    Maintain membership as a CC-P Candidate in ACCO at the discounted rate.

Phase 3:
Becoming a CC-P® Professional

To complete the program, Candidates will conduct the following activities within a 6-month window of their final application date.

  • Study & Exam
    Use the recorded videos and study materials or attend the live online training program to prepare for and pass the CC-P Candidate® Closing Exam

  • CC-P® Electives
    Participate in 14 hours of training electives following the CC-P® Elective Guidelines

  • Apply for the CC-P® Certification
    Prepare your elective documentation, submit your application and pay the final application fee.

Important Timelines

CC-P® Candidates have a fixed period of time to complete the CC-P® certification based upon the individual’s level of education and experience at the time of enrollment in the program.

  • Active undergraduate students (with no related experience): 5 years

  • Graduates of bachelor’s degree programs (with no related experience): 4.5 years

  • Active graduate students (with no related experience): 3 years

  • Graduates of master’s or advanced degree programs (with no related experience): 2.5 years

Individuals entering the Candidate program with some climate-related experience (but not enough to satisfy the CC-P experience requirements) will deduct their current experience from the above-referenced timeframes.

The CC-P® Candidate program timeline begins when the participant is recognized by ACCO as a CC-P® Candidate and ends when their full CC-P® certification has been approved and issued by ACCO.