Webcast Release

By submitting the following form and appearing on the webcast, you are agreeing to allow ACCO to use the video and audio recordings of the webcast for our publication of the series. ACCO will provide you with a link to the episode that you can promote to your networks and more broadly.

Things to do before the Webcast

  • Photo: E-mail a high-res photo to Jenni Nowakowski (jnowakowski@climateofficers.org) and Daniel Kreeger (dkreeger@climateofficers.org).

  • Lighting: Have a large daylight source of light (ie. windows) illuminating your face. Try to eliminate windows or bright sources of light in the background behind you. 

  • Surroundings: Feature elements of your work, home office, personal life, etc in the background! Large brand logos or text in the frame may not be used.

  • Sound: Eliminate the outside sources of sound to the extent of your control (ie. music, television, phone conversations).

  • Wardrobe: Avoid large brand logos — and please do not wear plain white or black.

  • Connectivity: Make sure that you have a solid Internet connection and that Zoom is the only program running on your computer during the webcast. If your computer microphone is a problem, plan on connecting to audio through your phone with wireless earbuds.

  • Scheduling: Please plan to join us 30-45 minutes before the webcast starts for a video and sound check. We’ll also do a flash 5-minute interview before the webcast starts, then take a break before going live.

  • Content: This discussion is meant to be spirited, upbeat and funny. In this stressful time, we want to give people a feeling of optimism and use a playful approach while tackling a very difficult challenge. We can do this!