Free Trial Opportunity for AASHE Members to Leverage ACCO's Online Training
In addition to the trial access to training referenced to the left, AASHE members may enjoy the following discounts:
We know AASHE members are committed to taking practical and constructive actions on climate change. ACCO and AASHE invite you to take advantage of complimentary trial access to the following on-demand online training resources to help you build capacity to effectively take on preparedness and GHG reduction efforts:
Climate-101: Understanding Climate Science & the Latest Projections
Climate-102: Understanding Climate Variability, Extreme Events & Long-Term Climate Change
Climate-103: The Basics of Sea Level Rise and Impacts on Coastal Assets & Infrastructure
GHG-101: Basics of GHG Accounting, Reporting & Disclosing GHG Emissions
GHG-102: Fundamentals of the Energy, Water & Food Nexus
Governance-102: Understanding the Legal/Policy Landscape & Determining the Best Strategy for Your O rganization
Simply fill out the following form and ACCO will follow up with instructions on accessing these course modules.